
San Francisco Work-Related Neck Injury Lawyer

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San Francisco Work-Related Neck Injury Attorney

When you are injured at work, it can be painful and debilitating. If your injury involves your neck, the damage sustained can even become life-threatening. It may cause you to be unable to work or return to the same kind of work you performed prior to your injury. When these situations arise, it is imperative that you retain the legal services of an experienced San Francisco work-related neck injury lawyer who can assist you in filing a claim.

Some of the worst injuries that can occur at work can happen to your neck. They are an unfortunate occurrence, especially in jobs that require hard and manual labor from workers. Thankfully, as an employee in the state of California, you are entitled to certain rights that grant you the ability to seek legal compensation from your employer’s workers’compensation insurance coverage.

The skilled and compassionate legal team at Bridges Law Firm is ready and able to help. We are committed to helping injured workers obtain the compensation they need after a work-related neck injury.

Ways in Which Neck Injuries Can Occur in the Workplace

The unfortunate reality is that a neck injury can occur in almost any workplace. In some cases, a neck injury might occur as a result of negligence, improper training, or other incidents that can happen in a work environment. When reviewing your case to help you file for workers’compensation, your attorney will analyze the details of your case to determine the way in which you suffered your neck injury. Common ways in which these injuries can occur include:

  • Repetitive Stress and Motion: Some occupations, such as hard, manual labor jobs or even office jobs, require employees to perform certain repetitive motions such as lifting, pulling, or sitting at a desk and hunching over a keyboard. These repetitive motions can put stress and strain on the muscles and tendons in your neck and lead to injuries that build up over time.
  • Falling Objects: When an object falls from up above, especially an object of great weight, it can hit an individual on the head, causing neck compression, not to mention other serious injuries. With enough force and weight experienced, damage can be permanent and long-lasting.
  • Falling from Heights: Some of the most common injuries sustained on industrial or construction sites are the result of falling from heights, such as from scaffolding or heavy machinery. If you fall and land on your neck, the injuries that result can be catastrophic and even fatal.
  • Trips, Slips, and Falls: If you happen to slip, trip, or fall in your place of work, there is always a chance that you may land on your neck and cause devastating or even life-threatening damage. You may even sustain harm to your spinal cord.
  • Having a Limited Range of Motion: Certain jobs may require you to make repetitive movements of your neck which can cause stress to the muscles, tendons, and your overall range of motion. These damages may become long-term and become worse over time.

The unfortunate reality is that a neck injury doesn’t always just affect one area of your body. In general, and especially if left unattended, these injuries can affect your spine, shoulders, and head, and victims may experience long-lasting chronic pain, issues with bodily functions, or even permanent paralysis.

Bridges Law Firm: Fighting for You in Cases of Workplace Injuries

At Bridges Law Firm, our group of diverse legal professionals is ready to put their resources and experience to the task of ensuring that you receive the benefits and compensation you rightfully deserve under California labor laws. With attorneys from Costa Rica, the Caribbean, El Salvador, and Mexico, we proudly offer services to individuals from Spanish-speaking backgrounds. Our attorneys are ready and able to fight for you.

Neck injuries do not just place a physical burden on you and your loved ones. They also create a hefty impact on your personal finances as medical expenses pile up and you are unable to return to work in order to earn a necessary wage. When these situations arise, you will want to file a claim to receive workers’compensation.

Unfortunately, some employer insurance companies will try to offer a low settlement. Do not accept it. Let the attorneys at Bridges Law Firm secure what you deserve and are entitled to. You have worked hard and are due justice for the harm you have suffered.

Types of Neck Injuries Seen in San Francisco Workplaces

In the workplace, an injury to the neck can happen in a variety of ways. Whether from repetitive motion, a catastrophic accident, improper movement, or hyperextension, neck injuries can be severe and debilitating. At Bridges Law Firm, our seasoned workers’compensation attorneys can help clients recover their rightful compensation when dealing with the following kinds of work-related neck injuries:

  • Whiplash
  • Neck strain
  • Neck sprain
  • Pinched nerves
  • Neck spasms
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Herniated discs
  • Fractures
  • Damage to soft tissue
  • Injuries to facet joints
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Cervical dislocation
  • Paralysis

You might be eligible to receive compensation if you are experiencing pain, discomfort, a limited range of mobility, or other issues relating to a work-related neck injury. This compensation is designed to assist with medical expenses, any lost wages, and any short-term or long-lasting disability you might face due to the injury.

Repeated Stress and Neck Injuries in the Workplace

When an individual is required to perform job duties that involve repetitive motions or strain, this can lead to them experiencing pain, weakness, or other such symptoms that can be felt in the tendons, muscles, or joints of the neck. These symptoms can manifest as stiffness, throbbing, pain, tenderness, weakness, inflammation, numbness, or cramping of your neck. These symptoms tend to build up over a long period of time and can be difficult to prove.

That iswhere a work-related neck injury attorney comes in and assists you in gathering the necessary evidence to demonstrate how your repeated stress and motions due to your employment have caused your neck injury. Work activities such as lifting, pushing, pulling, or turning can place employees in poor positions and lead to damage of these muscle groups, such as repeated strains or sprains. Fortunately, the attorneys at Bridges Law Firm can assist you.

How Workplace Neck Injuries Can Impact Your Life

There are many ways in which your work-related neck injury can impact your daily life. Some of these impacts can include the following:

  • Experiencing an inability to turn your head, limiting your ability to work, drive, and enjoy life
  • Stiffness that makes daily motion difficult, painful, or near impossible
  • Frequent, painful headaches
  • Referred pain–such as pain shooting to the back, neck, or shoulders
  • Difficult sleeping, which may cause a large disruption to the daily life of the victim

When these symptoms present themselves, this could lead to anxiety, stress, and depression, thus worsening the injury overall. In these cases, it is imperative that you seek the attention of a medical professional. Not only is this a wise move for your own physical health and well-being, but it will also be beneficial to your compensation claim, should you choose to pursue one in the future.


How Much Does Workers’ Comp Pay for Neck Injuries in California?

In the state of California, it can be difficult to assign an exact number to how much your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage might pay for the work-related neck injuries you are experiencing. This is due to the fact that there can be several factors involved in these cases that affect the settlement amount. These factors include the severity and nature of your injuries and how they affect your daily life and ability to work.

Can I Sue My Employer for a Workplace Injury in California?

In the state of California, you generally cannot sue your employer for a workplace injury as they will already be assuming fault under their workers’compensation insurance coverage. However, you can seek an appeal if the benefits the insurance company provides are deemed insufficient or they deny your claim altogether.

How Much Does a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Charge in California?

In the state of California, it can be difficult to offer an estimate of how much a workers’compensation lawyer might charge. This is because there are several factors that can affect the total cost of your case. These factors include the complexity of your case, the duration of the case, and the location and experience of your attorney.

How Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Assist Me in My Claim?

When you hire an attorney from Bridges Law Firm, you can rest assured knowing you have the right legal team fighting for you and your rights. Your attorney can work to gather evidence to support your claim, handle all negotiations with your employer’s insurance company, and represent you and your interests in any courtroom or trial litigation.

Contact a Trusted San Francisco Work-Related Neck Injury Lawyer Today

If you or someone you love has experienced a work-related neck injury, there is no time to lose. You must file your compensation claim as soon as possible in order to receive potential benefits. An attorney from Bridges Law Firm can help. Contact our offices today and let us review the details of your claim. We will offer you our advice on the correct course of legal action to take.


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